5th Grade Fundraising: Bake Sale and Movie Night

The Fifth Graders held two successful fundraisers this fall to help fund their fifth grade activities, including their yearbook, class t-shirt, and the Celebration of Learning in June (formerly fifth grade graduation).   Election Day Bake Sale While grades K-4...

Green Team: Pick Up at Pickup and the Great Pumpkin Rescue

The PTO’s Green Team recently sponsored two fantastic events to help make Brackett more sustainable.   Pick Up at Pick Up!   On Wednesday, October 30, The Brackett Green Team hosted our first ever Pick Up at Pick Up!   The team supplied gloves,...

STEM Committee: Chemistry Week

Each year, in celebration of the American Chemical Society’s National Chemistry Week, the parents and caregivers who volunteer for the PTO’s STEM Committee host a series of chemistry activities directly after school that revolve around the national...

Library Committee: Typing Braille

For October’s National Disability Awareness Month, Ms. Alfonso talked about disabilities including people with visual impairment or low vision. As a class enrichment activity, she brought braille writing machines, or “braillers,” and white canes into...