Committees & Volunteer Opportunities
5th grade committee*
The 5th grade graduation committee plans activities all year long to celebrate our graduating students, from field trips to the graduation ceremony itself.
If you’d like to make a donation to cover the expenses, please donate here:
STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
2019-2020 Brackett School STEM Enrichment Activities & Initiatives
We are the STEM Enrichment Committee of the PTO at the Brackett School in Arlington, MA.
We provide both financial and logistical support for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) activities at Brackett.
Some of our group’s members are able to attend periodic planning meetings, which we typically hold in our homes. Other members cannot attend the meetings, but provide input via email, and also come in person when we need the most help – at STEM Night and at the Science Fair. Whatever your level of interest and availability, we welcome you to the group!
(Please let us know if you would be interested in co-chairing one of our events, or taking on a particular volunteer role.)
School-wide Enrichment Activities:
Water Bottle Rockets Organize a water bottle rocket launch in Robbins Farm Park. The activity leader brings the launcher devices and water, and interested families bring supplies to make their own water bottle rockets. There is lots of running and laughing at this annual event!
Math Mornings for 3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders (Friday mornings, 7:30am – multiple leaders) Parents celebrate math and math concepts (Roman numerals, estimation) with their 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders during early morning math lessons.
They use a curriculum designed for math enrichment by a local Lexington/MIT group. The STEM Committee traditionally identifies leaders at the beginning of the year, who then run the lessons on their own.
Chemistry Week (Late October) Parents and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate National Chemistry Week by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry.’s Hour of Code (typically week in January; planning begins in late November)
We plan on continuing to support teachers and run Code.Org’s “Hour of Code” this year. The Hour of Code is an iPad/Chromebook-friendly computer science education app designed for elementary aged students. Parent volunteers have traditionally led the lessons in every classroom, working with the teachers to guide students through age-appropriate lessons.
STEM Night (mid-March; planning begins early January) This annual event, usually held on a Friday evening in late winter, celebrates all things STEM. Kids can build balloon cars, touch a brain, learn to count in Mayan or Babylonian numerals, build an LED nightlight, program a robot, and play math games.
Science Fair (mid-March with STEM Night; planning begins early January). This spring event features posters on science projects conducted by our 4th and 5th graders, as well as a variety of hands on activities for all ages.
Examples include playing with magic sand, watching super-cold liquid nitrogen at work, and building items such as mini-catapults, arches & bridges, and your own stethoscope.
Support for Grade-specific Enrichment Activities
Math Mornings for 3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders (Friday mornings, 7:30am – multiple leaders) Parents celebrate math and math concepts (Roman numerals, estimation) with their 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders during early morning math lessons.
They use a curriculum designed for math enrichment by a local Lexington/MIT group. The STEM Committee traditionally identifies leaders at the beginning of the year, who then run the lessons on their own.
Chemistry Week (Late October) Parents and chemistry enthusiasts celebrate National Chemistry Week by coordinating events and communicating the importance of chemistry.’s Hour of Code (typically week in January; planning begins in late November) We plan on continuing to support teachers and run Code.Org’s “Hour of Code” this year. The Hour of Code is an iPad/Chromebook-friendly computer science education app designed for elementary aged students. Parent volunteers have traditionally led the lessons in every classroom, working with the teachers to guide students through age-appropriate lessons.
STEM Night (mid-March; planning begins early January) This annual event, usually held on a Friday evening in late winter, celebrates all things STEM. Kids can build balloon cars, touch a brain, learn to count in Mayan or Babylonian numerals, build an LED nightlight, program a robot, and play math games.
Science Fair (mid-March with STEM Night; planning begins early January) This spring event features posters on science projects conducted by our 4th and 5th graders, as well as a variety of hands on activities for all ages.
Examples include playing with magic sand, watching super-cold liquid nitrogen at work, and building items such as mini-catapults, arches & bridges, and your own stethoscope.
Art Squad Committee
Library Committee
Culture Night Committee*
Nicole Jorge, Brackett Parent
Lauren Lee, Brackett Parent
The goal of the Brackett Cultural Enrichment program is to enhance students’ educational experiences through arts and culture programming. The committee brings approximately eight educational events to Brackett each year, hiring exceptional performers and presenters in music, theater, dance, puppetry, storytelling and art.
There are two all-school events that are new each year and grade specific shows relate directly to topics the students are studying, including: Mexican, Japanese and Native American culture, mythology, immigration, colonial history, and the revolutionary war.
PTO Funds pay for 100% of the Cultural Enrichment program.
Outdoor/Playspace Committee
DIG – Diversity & Inclusion Group
Please see
GIG – Green Initiatives Group
3rd grade Menotomy Day committee
Culture Enrichment Committee – programs/shows/performances
Book Fair Committee
Winter Online Auction Committee
Read-a-thon Committee
Annual Appeal Committee
Welcome Committee
June Fair Committee
Holiday Helper Program
Food Drives – Arlington Food Pantry
Teacher Luncheons
Picture Day Committee
Room Parent Coordinator
Brackett E-news Coordinator
Lost & Found Coordinator

Brackett Elementary PTO
66 Eastern Ave, Arlington, MA 02476

Brackett Elementary PTO
66 Eastern Ave, Arlington, MA 02476
Your PTO dollars at work –
Some of the various ways the PTO supports our school:
- Curriculum enrichment – Open Circle, IXL accounts, Anti-Bullying curriculum, Raz-Kids, Scholastic
- Classroom enhancements – tables, flexible seating, mailboxes, rugs
- Teacher supply reimbursements
- Library Books
- Field Trips
- Assemblies and performances for each grade
- School investments – rock wall, defibrillator, library bench, playground line painting
- Teacher Luncheons
- 3rd Grade Menotomy Day
- 5th Grade Graduation Activities
- 2 $500 Scholarships for Brackett alums graduating from Arlington High School
- Music Scholarship
- Support Arlington Parent Forums
- Sponsor school wide events such as Culture & Creativity Night, STEM night, Art Show, June Fair, Ice Cream Scooper Bowl, Movie Nights

Brackett Elementary PTO
66 Eastern Ave, Arlington, MA 02476