Fall Fest

Saturday, September 28, 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Brackett Elementary Parking Lot
Pick from the mini pumpkin patch
Browse the second-hand costume swap
Enjoy refreshments and more!
Pumpkin and refreshment sales support the Brackett Elementary School PTO.
Refreshments include apple cider, cider donuts, and popcorn.
Plus, a fifth-grade bake sale supporting the graduation fund.
Other Activities Include:
Water Bottle Rockets at Robbins Farm
(organized by the PTO STEM Committee)
“Sponsor-a-Book” for the Brackett Library
(organized by the PTO Library Committee)
Our Pumpkin Patch Needs
Your Support!
Do You Plan on Picking a Pumpkin from the Pumpkin Patch?
Pledge the number you plan on buying so we have enough pumpkins at the event!
Mini pumpkins will be $5-7 each.
(approx. six inches in diameter)
Join the Costume Swap!
Donate Second-Hand Costumes
Receive one swap ticket for each costume donated (up to five).
We’ll Bag and Label Each Costume
Swap shopping will be organized by size.
Children’s costumes are preferred.
Donation bins at the office starting on Sept. 16, or bring them the day of!
No Costumes to Swap?
Buy swap tickets at the festival for $3 each.

Volunteer at Fall Fest!
Help is needed with:
Event Setup
Costume Swap
Pumpkin Patch
Refreshment Table
Clean up

Water Bottle Rockets
(organized by the PTO STEM Committee)
Launch Your Water Bottle Rocket at Robbins Farm Park!
The Brackett STEM committee would like to announce the annual launch of water bottle rockets in Robbins Farm Park. We will be using our rocket launchers!
You can make your own water bottle rocket ahead of time or bring your supplies and make it on site (instructions will be provided). Don’t forget to bring some water to use as fuel. We’ll also provide fuel and supplies for those that need it.
We also recommend you bring a bicycle or other helmet in case your rocket (or someone else’s) comes in fast on its way back to earth.
Click Here for More Information and Instructions

(organized by the PTO Library Committee)
Sponsor a New Book for the Brackett Library
The Brackett Library committee welcomes to sponsor a book for the Brackett Library. Donate the cost of a book of your choice (we have book information of several books hand-selected by our librarians, Ms. Alfonso and Ms. Troha, for you to browse.
Select a book and donate its cost to the PTO and fill out a bookplate to go inside.
The PTO will use your donations to buy the book, put your “donated by” bookplate inside, and add it to the library for all our students to enjoy!
Brackett Events
Brackett Event Calendar (APS website)
Online Directory
Brackett Family Directory
Lunch Menu
Elementary Lunch Menu

Brackett Elementary PTO
66 Eastern Ave, Arlington, MA 02476