Brackett E-News 2/27/20

Brackett eNews 2/27/20
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February 27, 2020
Welcome Brackett Families. If you have news to share with the community, please email Please see guidelines at the end of this newsletter. 
3/3 - Early release at 1PM (Lunch will be served)
3/10 - Early release at 1PM (Lunch will be served)

3/17 - Early release at 1PM (Lunch will be served)
3/24 - Early release at 1PM (Lunch will be served)
3/1 - Early release at 1PM (Lunch will be served)

Brackett News

Arlington Public Schools & Community News

(Announcements appearing in Enews for the first time are preceded by NEW)
Brackett News
Brackett PTO Meetings: Updated Schedule
Changes have been made to the PTO meeting schedule. We hope you can join us for the final meetings of the 2019-2020 school year. Children are welcome at the Thursday morning meetings!
Tuesday, March 17 at 7 pm in the Brackett library and Thursday, March 19 at 8:30 am in the Brackett cafeteria.
There are no meetings in April. 
The last meetings of the year will be on Tuesday, May 12 at 7 pm in the Brackett library and Thursday, May 14 at 8:30 am in the Brackett cafeteria.
Math Mornings: Grades 3-5
On behalf of the STEM Committee, teams of parents are running Math Mornings, an extracurricular, supplemental math program intended to inspire and energize students about interesting math topics. Each session typically includes a brief slide presentation on the topic, followed by worksheets with fun exercises. Parents are invited and encouraged to stay and assist their child with the worksheets, and are very welcome to join the teams.
3rd Grade Math Mornings are FRIDAYS 7:30am in Mrs. McHugo's room.  We are working through math puzzles this month!  All 3rd graders and their parents are welcome!!  Contact Scott Uebelhart ( for more details.
4th Grade Math Mornings are FRIDAYS 7:30am in the Library.  We are working through math puzzles this month!  All 4th graders and their parents are welcome!!  Contact Scott Uebelhart ( for more details.
5th Grade Math Mornings are Fridays at 7:30 in Mrs. Pires' room, Room 312. Our sessions until February break include Geometric Constructions 2, Clocks, Coded Digits, Coded Operations, and Coin Tricks. All are welcome! Email David Koelle ( with questions.

Have an hour on a Friday morning? We need volunteers to help lead the sessions. All materials are provided. If you can just lead one session it would help us out! Volunteers/Questions - Text or email Laura Leighton (415)867-2909 or Peter Rice (703)389-7914
Box Tops
The Box Tops for Education program is changing the way we can earn cash for our school! Box tops can be turned into your child's teacher or in the main school office. To learn more Questions:
Brackett Facebook Page
Please "like" our FaceBook page and stay up-to-date on school events and news. You can find us here:
Arlington Public Schools & Community News

Arlington Youth Lacrosse
Winter has arrived - the perfect time to start thinking about warm weather, sunny fields, and spring lacrosse! Spring registration is now open for Boys and Girls PreK through Grade 8. We welcome all interested players at any of the levels - prior experience playing lacrosse is not required, and with our exceptional coaching staff, we can get new players up the learning curve very quickly. Each travel team will have two practices per week, with games on Sundays, and will participate in an end-of-season tournament or jamboree (mid-June). If you have any questions, please contact our Board at info@arlingtonlax.orgVisit the site to register today!

Arlington Youth Baseball and Softball Spring 2020 registration is open. 
To be eligible, children must live in the town of Arlington.  The baseball program includes boys and girls ages 4 through 12 years old on April 30.  The softball program is open to girls ages 7 through 14 years of age on January 1st.  We welcome players at all levels.  More detailed program information can be found on the registration tab as well as the home page on the AYBSA site. 

Go to the AYBSA website to register.  If you have questions you will find the contact for each program on the website also.

For daily updated calendar and event information, please check the Brackett Website at

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The Brackett Enews welcomes submissions about upcoming events relevant to Brackett elementary students.  Here are our guidelines:

*Listings should be about pertinent upcoming events/programs/deadlines. 
*We only include school events or town of Arlington events. 
*Submissions should be geared towards Brackett elementary students and their families. 
*Listings should be 125 words or less, if possible.  We will condense as needed.
*Send your listing to, and Include:
    --Event Name and Date
    --Brief summary/description, including any deadlines and/or registration links
    --Contact information (email or website)
    --If applicable, a picture that represents the event

The deadline for submissions is TUESDAY at 3 pm for the latest Enews. Items submitted after then may or may not be included in the newsletter.  All listings are run at the discretion of the Brackett Enews editor and PTO Board. If you have questions about these guidelines, or want to run something by us for approval, please email

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