Brackett eNews 1/29/2014

Brackett eNews 1/29/2014
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January 29, 2014
See for more calendar and event information
Wanted:  School supplies for students in Teosinte, El Salvador
Our school is collecting new school supplies for Arlington's Sister City Teosinte, in El Salvador, from 1/21 to 1/31.  Two Arlington families (including a 4th, 5th and 2 7th graders) will be visiting Teosinte over February vacation and would like to bring school supplies to the 64 students and 3 incredible teachers who attend classes in the 3 room school in the village.  School supplies are very expensive in El Salvador. Please help us fill up the suitcases with:
    lined paper                             folders                  tape
    pens/pencils                          stickers                 glue
    crayons/markers                   erasers                  rulers
    construction paper                 Sharpies                pencil sharpeners
    sticky notes                           note cards             calculators
    plain white paper

A donation box can be found in the school lobby.

Financial contributions are also welcome.  For more information about the Sister City project and our connection with Arlington's schools, please go to our website: or contact Elizabeth Dray at
Save The Date:  Science Fair, Thursday, April 3rd, 6 to 8 pm

Come build bridges and catapults, play with super-dry sand and super-wet bouncing polymers, and see what other spectacular science activities the PTO STEM committee has planned for families at the annual Brackett Science Fair. You will also be able to admire the scientific talent of Brackett's 4th and 5th graders, who will have posters describing their own science experiments in the gym.  Pizza will be sold. 
4th Grade Brackett School Girl Scouts Announce . . .

Cookie Booth Sale

Troop 75015 is having a cookie booth sale on Super Bowl Sunday at the Arlington Stop n Shop on MASS AVE !

Sunday, Feb 2 at Stop n Shop on Mass Ave. 10:30 to 2:00 pm.

Each box of cookies cost $4.00. 

CASH or CHECKS made out to GSEM Troop 75015 are accepted.

See you on Super Bowl Sunday!
Registration for GoLingo! after-school language classes at Brackett and Stratton ends this Wednesday, 1/29.
See the flier for complete information. Online registration now available.
A Young Authors Workshop: Newbery Award Book Club
Sunday afternoons from 5:00pm – 6:00pm
On the last Sunday of each month
Beginning March 2014, join us each month as we read a book that has been awarded the Newbery Medal – the most prestigious honor in children’s literature awarded annually since 1922.  Read the book any way you’d like – as a read aloud, to yourself, as a class, or with friends and family.  Then, join us for discussion and book themed snacks and crafts at our book party on the last Sunday of each month!
Pre-registration required
Sign up for all six sessions for $50, or come a-la-carte for $10 per session.
March 30th      The Voyages of Doctor Doolittle, by Hugh Lofting (1923)
April 27th      A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’Engle (1962)
May 25th        The Westing Game, by Ellen Raskin (1979)
June 29th       Holes, by Lois Sachar (1999)
July 27th       The One and Only Ivan, by Katherine Applegate (2013)
Aug. 31st,      TBA (Title to be chosen in August!)
This program is presented by Write Under the Moon, a literacy initiative in the back of Firefly Moon Gift Shop, Arlington, MA.
To Register: email Stephanie at, or call 617-780-7366.
News from KidZone
Arlington Community Education’sAfter-school Enrichment Program for grades K-5

Registration is now open for KidZone classes.  Register online, or you may also register by mail, or in person. Classes begin the week of 2/24/14.

Registration is still open for our GoLingo! classes in French, Spanish, Italian and Mandarin Chinese for grades K-5. Brochure is available on our website. Register online, by mail, or in person. Many classes will begin the week of 2/3/14.

All programs take place after school at Arlington’s elementary schools. For more information, visit, call us at 781-316-3568 or send an email to

Free tuition is available for parents willing to act as coordinators. Please contact us for more information.  Thank you and see you soon!
Arlington Community Education is a self-supporting program of the Arlington Public Schools.
Exciting changes in the cafeteria!

The Green Initiatives Group (GIG) is excited to share some recent developments to the school¹s composting program:
*Whole Foods in Arlington is storing and composting our lunch food waste for the winter months;

*Compostable lunch trays will replace the Styrofoam ones starting this week!

Thanks go out to Whole Foods Arlington for the composting storage and processing, R.W. Shattuck Hardware for donating compost collection buckets, and Denise Hunt Boucher, Food Services Director for the Arlington Public Schools, as well as school staff, students, and parents for their efforts that led to the new lunch trays.

Call for volunteers!
If you would like to help out with these efforts in the
cafeteria (during lunch time: 11-12 or 12-1) or after school with
transporting compost buckets or trays to Whole Foods, please sign up here:

Together we are helping our school to incorporate more ecologically sustainable practices which emulate the Green Community status that the town of Arlington has officially been designated with by the state of Massachusetts.

Save the Date

  • Tuesday, February 11 - PTO Meeting 6:30pm (3rd Floor Teachers's Lounge)
  • Tuesday, February 11- Box Tops due for Spring Drive
  • Monday, February 17th- February Break
  • Tuesday, February 25th, Early Release 1pm

For daily updated calendar and event information, please check the Brackett Website at

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