Brackett eNews 11/7/2013

Brackett eNews 11/7/2013
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November 7, 2013
See for more calendar and event information
Help Us Help Our School- Look for Brackett Annual Appeal Letter in Backpacks this week!

Dear Brackett families,

We hope that you and your child/children are having a wonderful fall.  As we approach the holiday season, we ask that you consider making a tax-deductible famiy contribution to the Brackett PTO to cover the enrichment provided for your child. The Brackett PTO is solely responsible for funding our children's academic enrichment including all field trips and cultural enrichment events.

Look for your Annual Appeal Letter going out in backpack this week.

Best Regards,

The PTO Board and members of the PTO Fund-Raising Committee.


This week, your child will have the opportunity to purchase books during his/her normally scheduled Library time. Parents are welcome to join their children for book fair shopping during Library time, but there will also be lots of adult volunteers to help your child select and pay for books. For parents who are new to this, students can buy books, book marks, pencils and other book-related items during their visit to the Book Fair (their normal library time).  Be sure to send in money if your child is permitted to buy items at the Book Fair, and best to talk to him/her about how books should be their first priority to purchase. 

Shopping night - Thursday November 7 from 5:30-7:45 pm. Come on in, meet your neighbors, and get an early start on your holiday shopping! There will be lots of great books to choose from, including many books for adults. Also, there is an on-line shopping option available from November 1 - November 15.
The Book Fair supports Brackett's library and the PTO. We look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!
Brackett Thanksgiving Pie Sale
Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!  Take a break from the cooking and treat yourselves to a delicious pie from Wilson Farm and support your PTO at the same time.  For every dessert we sell, a percentage of the cost will be donated to the Brackett School PTO.  Although these pies are not baked at Wilson’s, they are the same top quality frozen pies they sell at Wilson Farm. Pie order forms will be sent home in backpacks.
The best part is the delivery service.  You just pick up your pies in the lobby on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving!  Give your family, friends and neighbors the same relaxing opportunity.  Ask them to support the Brackett School by ordering pies for their Thanksgiving dinner too.  It is all very simple and stress free! We are also offering the opportunity to donate a pie to the Germaine Lawrence School.  Some of the girls spend the Thanksgiving holiday at school, and would enjoy a nice treat for dessert.  If you are interested in donating any pies, please note this on the order form.
Return your completed form and check (payable to Brackett School PTO) to the PIE SALE box in the office by Friday, November 15th.
You can pick up your pies on Tuesday, November 26th after school.

Questions? Contact Chrissy Castellucci at
Thank you for your continued support of the Brackett PTO.

News from the Art Squad!

The Art Squad is a Visual Arts Enrichment led by Brackett parents interested in offering more art to our students.  Throughout the year the Art Squad runs monthly after school classes in the art room on the third floor.  It is free drop in class that explores a variety of media and projects ranging from drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, 3D design and sculpture.  

The Art Squad also runs an annual Brackett Community Art Show.  This is an evening event that includes an art gallery filled with works from students, faculty, staff, family and alumni/ae; hands-on art making; a cafe; and music performed by students and families.
New parent volunteer are always welcomed and your commitment can be either small or large!  We need you! 
For more information please contact Eileen Murphy-McNamara at  or Sheila O'Shaughnessy at

Arlington Education Foundation – Fall News

Check out what is happening with AEF in their November Newsletter – lots of things going on that support Arlington’s Schools! 
AEF funds system wide initiatives and creative new projects to enhance the educational experiences of Arlington’s teachers and students.  For more information or to donate, visit

Candy Buy-Back Program Benefits AEF

Belmont Orthodontics and Belmont Pediatric Dentistry are offering a ”Halloween Candy Buy Back Program” November 1-15, 2013.

Bring your unwanted candy to them, they will “buy it back” and give $1/pound to the donor and $4/pound directly to Arlington Education Foundation! Children will also have the option to donate the entire $5/pound to AEF. The buyback program is open to everyone in the Arlington community, not just their patients. 

Stop by their office at 11 Alexander Avenue, Belmont during office hours.

Brackett Parent Teacher Conference Online Sign Up Opens in 1-2 weeks
AHS open now and Ottoson will open10am 11/20/2013

Parent teacher conference sign up instructions are posted on the Arlington Public Schools website.  Sign up isn’t available quite yet, but is scheduled to open in the next week or so.  Conference dates are below and conferences are schedule for 20 minutes each.  Conference times are first come first served.  Report cards will go home
in backpacks on Friday, November 22nd

Brackett Evening Conference Dates: December 4th and 12th
Brackett Afternoon Conference Dates: December 6th and 10th
Holiday Helper Program at Brackett - Helping Local Families
The purpose of this program, which has been run through the town for several years, is to collect holiday gifts for Arlington families in need of help this holiday season. Brackett classrooms have participated in this program for many years. Many families were very grateful for the much needed gifts such as food, shoes and clothing that they received last year from Brackett families' donations.
If you would like to donate something for a family in need or if you would be willing to be a coordinator for your child’s classroom please contact Nicole Antonakis (, Brackett’s Holiday Helper Program Coordinator. Donations are needed the second week in December.  Thank you for your generosity.

Holiday Check List to support the Brackett PTO . . .

______ Register your Stop and Shop card for Thanksgiving and Holiday grocery shopping. Go to www. To register your card, go to the link below:
The Brackett code is: 08583. THANKS to the 120 families who have already registered their card.

______ Order your Thanksgiving Pies from the Brackett PTO

______ Visit the Lost and Found section in the Cafeteria to pick up lost coats, jackets, hats, gloves, etc. Items not picked up prior to Winter Break will be donated to charity.

______ Bring in any winter coats you no longer need for Anton’s Coat for Kids program. The drop-off bin is in the school lobby. We will be accepting coats until January 11th, 2014.

______ Holiday shop at one of our Brackett family store – each are hosting                (see below for dates)           
Dates for Holiday Shopping

Holiday shop at one of our Brackett Family Stores that are hosting events to raise funds for the Brackett PTO.  More details to follow, but the dates are:
- Wednesday, November 20th 7:00pm-8:30pm at Firefly Moon
- Wednesday, December 4th 9:00am-Noon at Coyote Impressions
- Friday, Decembers 6th 5:30pm - 8:30pm at Coyote Impressions
- Thursday, December 12th all day at Maxima Gift Center.

Save the Date

  • November 5th-8th -  Brackett Book Fair during your child's library time
  • Thursday, November 7th - Shopping Night at the Brackett Book Fair, 5:30-7:45pm
  • Tuesday, November 19th - Early Release 1:00pm (lunch will be served)
  • Wednesday, November 27th - Early Release  Noon  Thanksgiving Break
  • November 28th-29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break

For daily updated calendar and event information, please check the Brackett Website at

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