Brackett eNews 5/5/16

Brackett eNews 5/5/16
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May 5, 2016
See for more calendar and event information
Do you have news to share with the Brackett community? Please send an email to Thank you! Kristin LeClair
  • Save the Dates
  • Brackett June Fair - Request for Raffle Donations
  • Arlington SEPAC Meeting – Tuesday, May 10th at 8:30 AM
  • Have an idea for an Innovations in Education Grant? Deadline Extended to May 10!
  • WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE – The Musical! Rehearsal Schedule (for 5th Graders) 
  • Stratton PTO Spring Fling 2016 Online Auction is Open!!


5/6/16 - Brackett Movie Night in the Brackett Gymnasium
6/3/16 – 3rd Grade Colonial Day
5/19/16 - Brackett School Safety Drill Parent Information Night (6:30 PM)
6/7/16 - Brackett School Safety Drill (ALICE)  
6/16/16 – Fifth Grade Field Day (Rain date: 6/17/16)
6/17/16 - 5th grade Brackett dance
6/23/16 -  5th Grade Graduation Ceremony/Reception

Friday, May 6 the 5th graders host family movie night featuring Shaun the Sheep in the Brackett Gym. Suggested ticket donation is $5/person, $20/max/family. Tickets and concessions can be purchased starting at 5 pm on the 6th. Pizza, popcorn, candy and water will be sold. Bring your mats, blankets, pillows and PJs. Doors open at 5:00 pm, the film begins at 6:00 pm. 
See here if you would like to help out that night.

Brackett June Fair – Request for Raffle Donations
The Brackett June Fair is Saturday, June 11th. We're soliciting donations (for example Red Sox tickets, gift baskets, piece of artwork ...) to be raffled off at the fair.
Please contact Karianne Noble, June Fair Raffle Coordinator, ( or 617-233-9968) for more information.

Arlington SEPAC Meeting – Tuesday, May 10th at 8:30 AM
Please Join us for an Arlington Special Education Parent Advisory Counsel (SEPAC) Meeting at the Jefferson Cutter House on Tuesday, May 10th at 8:30 am.
Arlington SEPAC is a parent group that acts as a resource for parents and advises the district regarding meeting the needs of students with special needs.  We provide support and networking opportunities for parents and guardians of children with special educational needs, offer workshops and guest speakers to help parents become better informed about special education issues and meet regularly with school officials to participate in the planning, development and evaluation of special education programs in town.

Have an idea for an Innovations in Education Grant? 
Great news! Deadline extended to May 10
The Arlington Education Foundation wants to help you bring innovation, excitement and new ideas to your classroom.  We’ve extended our grant cycle deadline to give you more time to submit your application. Brackett parents may write applications and lead projects. I’m here to help!  Please contact me so I can assist you in the grant process. 
What are Innovations in Education Grants?
These small grants (ranging from $250-$3,000) support innovative teaching and learning projects. We are particularly interested in supporting “pilot” efforts that can be adopted later by a wider audience, as well as “enrichment” projects that enhance curriculum and/or community at the classroom, school, grade, department, or district level.
These grants may include professional development and teacher training, but will not support funds for standard classroom supplies, books, equipment, or videos.  Innovations grants awarded in Fall 2015 include:
·         Standing Desks: A pilot classroom at Dallin School will offer several standing desks to help students improve attention and focus by providing the opportunity to integrate movement into their day.
·         Elementary Digital Art Expansion: Elementary art teachers will receive training on ways they can introduce digital art into their classrooms, including use of the iPad app Procreate.
·         Tools of Mindfulness for Stress Reduction: Brackett School 5th graders will learn tools they can use to reduce stress, self-regulate and strengthen their focusing abilities and coping skills.
·         Mathematics Coaching through Video: District math coaches will use video as a critical tool in helping teachers improve their craft, enabling teachers to view and assess their own instructional practices.
Questions?  Email Brackett’s AEF school rep, Amy Horsburgh at
Visit the AEF website to access grant applications and to read more about past grants.

Presented by Brackett 5thGrade

Wednesday, June 1, 
7:00pm – 9:00pm  (doors open at 6:30)

Arlington High School Auditorium
869 Massachusetts Avenue

Mark your calendars! This will be a great show for kids of all ages, family and friends! You will not want to miss!   

Tickets go on sale in May.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE – The Musical! Rehearsal Schedule

Dear 5th Grade Parents,

Please mark your calendars with these important rehearsal dates for WEDNESDAY NIGHT LIVE – The Musical, the upcoming 5th grade performance. 

All grade imperative after school rehearsal (1:00pm – 2:30pm) Brackett Gym:

·              Tuesday, May 17

Additional Rehearsals: After school rehearsals are also going on from April 29 until Showtime, please ask your kids if this includes them!

Dress Rehearsal:

·              Tuesday, May 31, 4:00pm – 6:30pm  (At Arlington High School Auditorium)  
*please mark your calendars for this ‘kids only’ dress rehearsal, it is imperative we have ALL the kids at the dress rehearsal!


·              Wednesday June 1, doors open at 6:30, Curtain at 7:00,  Kids arrive by 5:30 please.

Thank you for your support! Please contact Nicole Antonakas ( with any questions. 

Stratton PTO Spring Fling 2016 Online Auction is Open!!

Check it out - over 125 items available!! Although the online auction is open until 9PM on 5/18, we just got a new donation for 2 Red Sox Tickets for next Friday 5/13 and will be closing the bid for this item only on next Tues 5/10.  Starting bid for these 2 tickets is $50 so all Red Sox fans, go to and secure those tickets by 5/10!!
We have also added many new items, including gift cards to Mahoney Garden Center, Retro Burger in Arlington, Kings Bowling in Burlington, lift tickets to Pats Peak, Family Season Pass to the Res and much more so don't forget to visit now to register and bid!
All proceeds will support Stratton enrichment!

For daily updated calendar and event information, please check the Brackett Website at

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