POWERSCHOOL / https://aps.powerschool.com/public/home.html
The records database for Arlington Public Schools (APS), where information pertinent to student enrollment is stored. Accessible only to APS employees, the contact information stored here is used by the APS administration to communicate with parents, house student forms and post grades. Accounts must be reactivated each year.
PRINCIPAL EMAILS / szerchykov@arlington.k12.ma.us
Principal Zerchykov periodically sends notices to families via parents’ email. This distribution list is compiled through PowerSchool.
BRACKETT ONLINE DIRECTORY / https://brackettelementary.membershiptoolkit.com/
The database used by the Brackett PTO to communicate with Brackett families as well as acting as a resource for class-specific teacher and parent contact information. This is the primary hub for parent communications regarding Brackett-specific events and reminders. Accounts must be reactivated each year.
BRACKETT WEBSITE / https://brackettelementary.org/
General information about the school, timely announcements, copies of eNews, and the school calendar. The calendar is hosted by Google and can be downloaded or added to personal calendars.
Brackett-specific Facebook pages are for current families and faculty of Brackett.
- Brackett PTO: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227346734350605/files/
- 2022-2023 Grade-specific pages:
- Kindergarten (2028): https://www.facebook.com/groups/547153863024817/
- 1st Grade (2027): https://www.facebook.com/groups/1240034806415999
- 2nd Grade (2026): https://www.facebook.com/groups/2710606525851099/
- 3rd Grade (2025): https://www.facebook.com/groups/409524649600216/
- 4th Grade (2024): https://www.facebook.com/groups/162842864392947
- 5th Grade (2023): https://www.facebook.com/groups/812928838869013/
Paper notes sent home with students as an added way to communicate news about school events, teacher updates and volunteer requests.