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Have news or events to share with the Brackett Community?
Use the form below to submit your event, and please note our community submission guidelines.
Community Submission Form
Policy on submitting for enews:
The Brackett Enews welcomes submissions about upcoming events relevant to Brackett elementary students. Here are our guidelines:
- Listings should be about pertinent upcoming events/programs/deadlines.
- We only include school events or town of Arlington events.
- Submissions should be geared towards Brackett elementary students and their families.
- Listings should be 125 words or less, if possible. We will condense as needed.
- Send your listing to, and Include:
Event Name, Event Date, Brief summary/description, including any deadlines and/or registration links, Contact information (email or website), If applicable, a picture that represents the event. - The deadline for submissions is TUESDAY at 3 pm for the latest Enews. Items submitted after then may or may not be included in THURSDAY newsletter, based on the editors’ workload that week. At the very least it will be in the next week’s newsletter, if the dates and events are still current at that time.
- All listings are run at the discretion of the Brackett Enews editor and PTO Board.
- If you have questions about these guidelines, or want to run something by us for approval, please email