As we get further into the winter months, we are seeing a rise in illnesses, both in the school and the community at large. Although there have not been any identified outbreaks at school at this time, there has been a recent increase in COVID and influenza cases within the school community.

Please remember to follow the school illness guidelines, as well as the APS COVID Protocols. Both of these can be found on the APS Health and NursingĀ website. If you suspect that your student may have a communicable disease, please take them to their pediatrician/health care provider for evaluation. Please let me know if your student is diagnosed with a communicable disease.

If your student does not have a communicable disease (i.e., COVID, influenza, strep throat), they can attend school with mild symptoms, but should wear a quality face mask until symptoms fully resolve. Masks should be provided from home, but there is a supply in the nurse’s office, if needed.

Lastly, please keep your student home if they are feeling unwell. Use the school illness guidelines and COVID protocols to help guide your decision, or reach out to me if you need further guidance.